Texas Fire Danger (TFD)
The Texas Fire Danger (TFD) map is produced by the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS). Weather information is provided by remote, automated weather stations and then used as an input to the Weather Information Management System (WIMS). The NFDRS processor in WIMS produces a fire danger rating based on fuels, weather, and topography. Fire danger maps are produced daily. In addition, Texas A&M Forest Service, along with the SSL, has developed a five day running average fire danger rating map. Browse reference materials.
Daily RAWS information is derived from an experimental project - DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
Download data for 3/25/2025 or select another date below:
Observed data for 3/25/2025 and forecasts for 3/26/2025 are uploaded by approximately 4:30 p.m. 3/25/2025.