Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI)
KBDI is an index based on daily water balance used to determine forest fire potential. Updated for 3/23/2025.
Texas Fire Danger (TFD)
The National Fire Danger Rating System produces a fire danger rating based on fuels, weather, and topography. Updated for 3/22/2025, and forecast for 3/23/2025.
Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD)
NEXRAD offers precipitation estimates spatially averaged over grid cells of approximately 16 square kilometers and temporally averaged over 1 hour. Updated for 3/22/2025.
Texas Weather Connection (TWC) is maintained by the Spatial Sciences Laboratory (SSL), at Texas A&M University, in conjunction with the Texas A&M University System, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Texas Water Resources Institute, and the Texas A&M Forest Service.
This site is a collection of weather products derived from real-time weather data, which are generated through the use of remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), and internet mapping server (IMS) technologies.
The SSL continues to develop, as well as maintain, these products in an automated manner with data provided by Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Centers at Amarillo, Lubbock, and Corpus Christi, AgriLife Extension, and the National Weather Service - River Forecasting Centers (NWS-RFC) in Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX and Tulsa, OK.
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